Pierre Adrien CHABAL known as CHABAL - D...
Pierre Adrien CHABAL known as CHABAL - DUSSURGEY (Charlieu 1819 - Nice 1902) "Liseron des Haies" Original lithograph from the collection entitled "Etudes et Compositions de Fleurs par Chabal - Dussurgey" printed by the Lemercier Lithographic Ateliers of Paris on behalf of the Goupil publishing house which he published it around 1868. Beautiful specimen bearing the dry stamp that the artist used during his stay as Professor at the imperial manufacture of the Gobelins and Beauvais, printed on a painted background and applied on a support of heavy white paper, slightly wavy but overall in excellent general condition. Chabal was artistically trained at the École des Beaux Arts in Lyon where he was a pupil of Thierriat, he settled in Paris around 1844 and from 1850 he was Professor of Drawing at the Manufacture of the Gobelins Upholstery for which he produced a large amount of preparatory drawings, in 1881 he founded in Nice the École des Arts Décoratifs ". Bibliography: Benezit "Dictionnaire des Peintres .." Paris 1976 vol.2 p. 634. Fugier-Grafe "La Peinture lyonnaise au XIXme Siècle" Paris 1995 p. 296. Fugier-Grafe "The Flower Painters" North Dighton 1989 p. 109 Measurements in mm: 460ca x 630ca (the sheet)